Cognitive Analytics is intelligent technology that covers multiple analytical techniques to analyze large data sets and give structure to the unstructured data. To put it simply, a cognitive analytics system searches through the data that exists in its knowledge base Read more
Build the Reports That You Need When You Need Them Data Modeling & Management Orbit’s data modeling functionality achieves highly-tuned queries by identifying the objects needed from multidimensional data relationships. You can build reports as per your business requirements to Read more
Simple, Intuitive, and Powerful Dashboards Data Visualization: Dashboards Orbit Reporting and Analytics brings all of your data together in real-time and interactive dashboards, so you can gain a clear view of your business – at a glance. View Data from Read more
A measure of key business objectives of an organization. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measure that determines how effectively, or ineffectively, organizations, projects or individuals achieve their key business objectives compared to their strategic objectives and targets. With Read more
Pivot tables and crosstabs are ways to display and analyze sets of data. Both are similar to each other, with pivot tables having just a few added features. Pivot tables and crosstabs present data in tabular format, with rows and Read more
Pixel perfect describes reports where the user can manipulate the size and layout with precision. This includes allowing the user to change the size of the report, the size of the printed page, and the position of the different elements Read more
An initial level of Enterprise Data Model (EDM), which provides a structure for organizing EDM by Subject Areas. A Subject Area Model, together with a Conceptual Model and a Conceptual Entity Model forms the complete structure of the Enterprise Data Read more
The term “tabular” refers to data that is displayed in columns or tables, which can be created by most BI tools. These tools find relationships between data entries in one or more database, then use those relationships to display the Read more

Data Scientist

Data science uses scientific methods, algorithms, processes and systems to gain insights from data. The end result of their methods are usually charts or other visualizations that reveal trends and produce insights to inform the decision-making process and thus help businesses develop better products and services.

Data scientists analyze data from the internet, customer records from CRM applications, smartphones and other sources. Though data is invaluable for innovation, the key lies in the data scientist’s ability to interpret and glean insights from the data and communicate them effectively. To do this requires knowledge of statistics, business subject matters, computer science and other related skills.

Specific Tasks of a Data Scientist

  • Identify inefficiencies in business processes to uncover opportunities for optimization.
  • Collect structured and unstructured data set from various sources.
  • Clean and validate data for uniformity, accuracy and completeness.
  • Devise and apply models and algorithms to mine data.
  • Analyze data for trends and patterns.
  • Interpret data for new opportunities and solutions.
  • Communicate insights to organizational leadership using data visualizations.

Requirements for a Data Scientist

Though data scientists come from different backgrounds and use an array of skills, working in this field requires a knowledge of statistics and math. Curiosity is also an important trait, as are creativity and critical thinking. It helps to have a mind that seeks out patterns, finds trends and asks questions.

Data scientists are highly educated, with the majority holding a master’s degree or higher. They typically have a background in computer programming that informs the modeling and algorithm necessary to interpret large data sets. The two main programming languages for data science are Python and R language.

In addition to the scientific and analytical skills, data scientists working in a business environment should have an understanding of business strategy. Even with a large team of specialists, data scientists need to be able to apply the insights from data to improve business processes, develop products and inform other business-related processes.

Finally, data scientists need to be able to communicate their insights and ideas effectively to nontechnical team members to ensure that the connections are made. Without that, it may not be possible for the nontechnical team members to use the data to inform business strategies.

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Advanced Analytics: Python

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