Fusion Cloud Analytics from Orbit offers a comprehensive solution for Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications, encompassing data extraction, modeling, and advanced analytics.

Seamlessly integrate Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications data and third-party data sources to gain unparalleled insights with prebuilt KPIs and dashboards. You can monitor your business performance with enhanced visibility, unlocking the true value of your Oracle Cloud Applications and empowering your operations with data-driven insights, addressing complex challenges like preserving cash, maintaining liquidity, managing expenses, and identifying cost-reduction opportunities.

Why Orbit for Oracle Fusion Analytics?

Orbit delivers instant value with ready-to-use KPIs, metrics, dashboards, and reports. Our seamless integration with Oracle Cloud ERP ensures effortless data analysis. Experience fast, reliable insights with our prebuilt data models — no coding required. Stay ahead with incremental updates that align with Oracle Cloud ERP releases, keeping your analytics sharp and up-to-date.

Prebuilt Analytics

Ready to use KPI’s

Migrate Oracle Cloud Applications data to your existing data warehouse

Combine Fusion data with other data in the data warehouse

Orbit's Comprehensive Embedded Reporting & Analytics Ecosystem.

Pre-built Data Models: High-Level Features and KPIs

Leverage our pre-built data models for real-time, self-service reporting and analytics directly from Oracle Cloud ERP (Oracle Fusion) applications. Tackle critical business questions and make informed decisions with ease. Our data models provide the foundation you need to gain valuable insights, enabling you to drive efficiency, optimize performance, and stay ahead in a competitive landscape.

Improve payments and mitigate the risk of incurring penalties.

Minimize Overdue Payments to Suppliers
Track payments to vendors and minimize overdue payments, mitigating the risk of incurring penalties. Gain insights into payment patterns and identify opportunities for improving payment schedules to strengthen supplier relationships.

Visibility into diverse supplier bases and gain insights into recent trends in Invoice activities
Understand your key business partners by accessing information about average payments made to vendors. Analyze payment trends over the past months to identify any anomalies or opportunities for cost savings, ensuring a robust supplier network.

Ensure adequate cash availability for upcoming payments
Gain visibility into overdue invoices by the current period and future payment obligations to expedite overdue payments. Make necessary arrangements for current-period payments, ensuring a steady cash flow and maintaining financial stability.

Key KPIs and Metrics Available
Amount Paid Vs Invoice Amount Past Due Payments
Payments Due – Future Early Payments Vs Count of Invoices
Late Payments Vs Count of Invoices Average Cycle Time
Active Invoices Pending Payments
Payments Due – Current Period Average Monthly Payments
On-time Payments Vs Count of Invoices Average Due Months
Invoices Waiting Approval Invoices on Hold


Key Areas Covered

  • Invoices and Payments by Periods (Monthly, Quarterly)
  • Top Invoices waiting for approvals
  • Top Suppliers by Invoice amount, Invoice Hold days
  • Top Suppliers with the lowest and highest payment cycle time
  • Top Suppliers with Pending Payments – Past Due, Current Period and Future
  • Top Invoices with Pending Payments – Past Due, Current period and Future

Gain insights into customers and manage better cash flows

Customer Insights
Maintain and enhance ongoing cash flow by tracking customer accounts. Gain a comprehensive understanding of customer behavior to improve credit management and reduce overdue balances. Monitor and assess customer receivables to track available credit limits for improved transparency. Use these insights to strengthen customer relationships and proactively address potential issues.

Receivables Aging Summary
Capability to view and assess pending receivables by due dates for past, current, and future periods. Easily identify overdue accounts and prioritize collection efforts to improve cash flow. Identify payment patterns over time, aiming to speed up collections. Use historical data to forecast future receivables and optimize your financial planning.

Key KPIs and Metrics Available
Applied Amount Vs Transactions Amount Total Receivables
Receivables: Overdue, Current Period, Future Periods Number of Customers
Active Customers Average aging days


Key Areas Covered

  • Receivables by Aging buckets
  • Quarterly trends for Transactions and Transaction amounts
  • Transactions by Payment Terms, Transaction Types, Customers
  • Top customers by Receipt delay days for Open and Closed transactions
  • Top customers by the Remaining amount
  • Top transactions by pending receivables – Past Due, Current Period, and Future
  • Average days overdue by customers
  • Transactions by Amount and available credit limit for customers

Optimize procurement processes and enhance supplier performance

Enhanced Supplier Performance
Improve Purchase Order (PO) cycle times and gain visibility into top suppliers and buyers to enhance supplier relationships. Track performance metrics to identify and reward high-performing suppliers, fostering stronger partnerships.

Requisitions review to expedite procurement
Examine the approval and submission cycle times for requisitions and verify them by need-by-date to accelerate the procurement process. Identify bottlenecks and streamline workflows to ensure timely procurement and reduce delays.

Improved agreements utilization
Gain a comprehensive view of all agreements and review the submission and approval cycle times to reduce turnaround time. Assess agreements by suppliers and check agreement utilization to ensure compliance and maximize contract value.

Key KPIs and Metrics Available
Number of Open POs, Closed POs, and Incomplete POs Agreement creation to approval cycle days
Approved and Rejected Requisitions Incomplete Requisitions Amount
Average PO Approval cycle time Requisitions Creation to submission cycle time


Key Areas Covered

  • Top Items by Ordered Amount
  • Ordered amount by Product type
  • Top suppliers by PO Amount
  • Top buyers by PO Amount
  • PO approval cycle time by buyer
  • Amounts by Month
    • Ordered Amount
    • Amount Accepted
    • Amount Cancelled
    • Amount Received
    • Amount Shipped
    • Amount Delivered
    • Amount Billed
  • Top unassigned requisitions by need-by-date
  • Requisitions by Supplier
  • Agreements by Supplier
  • Agreements by Month

Monitor project execution for improved and enhanced performance

Gain insights into projects, monitor costs and revenue, and manage invoice generation
Track the overall status of projects and monitor monthly costs, revenue generation, and invoices. Gain visibility into costs by project status and type, and review transactions pending invoice generation. Identify cost patterns and make informed decisions to optimize project profitability and streamline financial processes.

Review transactions to accelerate the billing and capitalization process
Review monthly cost trends on projects to track sudden increases or declines. Monitor project transactions and review those on Bill Hold or Revenue Hold to understand the reasons and expedite revenue and invoice generation. Enhance your financial oversight to ensure timely billing and capitalize on opportunities to improve cash flow.

Key KPIs and Metrics Available
Count of Open Projects with Cost Count of Closed Projects with Cost
Count of Project Types Total Expenditures, Capitalizable Expenditures, Billable Expenditures
Expenditures on Bill Hold Expenditures on Revenue Hold
Count of Expenditure Categories and Expenditure Types


Key Areas Covered

  • Top projects with Pending Invoice generation
  • Count of Projects by Project Types
  • Project Cost, Revenue and Invoice by Month
  • Top Projects by Cost
  • Total Cost by Month
  • Top Projects with Transactions on Bill Hold
  • Top Projects with Transactions on Revenue Hold
  • Transaction sources by Burdened cost

Monitoring and managing cash flow

Overall cash position
Gain a holistic view of monthly cash inflows and outflows to understand your cash position each month. Gain insights into the top customers contributing to your cash inflows and identify the top suppliers responsible for cash expenditures. This holistic perspective allows you to effectively manage your finances and make informed decisions to optimize cash flow.

Key KPIs and Metrics Available
Total Cash Flow
Total Amount Inflow
Total Amount Outflow

Key Areas Covered

  • Cash position by Month
  • Month-wise cash flow
  • Top Customers for Cash Inflow
  • Top Suppliers for Cash Outflow

Tracking and managing the Asset Life Cycle

Track assets and their costs
Get a comprehensive overview of assets and their costs, allowing you to precisely track original, current, recoverable, and salvage costs. For a detailed analysis, monitor asset costs by various attributes such as asset type, book type, and asset categories. Our data model also allows tracking assets by the date they were placed in service, ensuring you have complete visibility into your asset management.

Oversee Asset Retirement details
Review past asset retirements and their associated costs. You can also view retired assets categorized by retirement type, asset type, book type code, and asset category. Access detailed retirement cost information by year, and identify assets slated for near-future retirement. With this data, you can efficiently manage your asset retirement processes and make informed decisions for your business’s financial health.

Key KPIs and Metrics Available
Count of Assets Assets – Original Units, Assets – Current Units
Assets – Original Cost, Assets – Current Cost Recoverable Cost
Salvage Value Count of Assets retiring in 7 Days, 30 Days, 60 Days
Total Units Vs Total Retired Units Total Retirement Cost Vs Total Removal Cost

Key Areas Covered

  • Assets by Date Placed in Service (Asset Original Cost, Count of Assets)
  • Top asset Categories by Original cost and current cost
  • Current Cost by Asset Type, Book Type and Category
  • Assets by Asset Type
  • Top Retired Assets by Asset Type, Retirement Type, Book Type, Category.
  • Retired Assets by Retirement Type
  • Top Removal Costs by Asset
  • Retirement Cost by Year

Providing transparency into grants status and financials

Visibility into various awards and gain insights into funding allocation
Enable comprehensive analysis of funding allocation across various attributes, including projects, customers, principal investigators, award purposes, and departments. Monitor funding distribution over time, ensuring a clear understanding of how resources are allocated each year. Additionally, it allows for the assessment of the proportion between direct and indirect funding allocations, offering valuable insights into the financial structure of your grants.

Key KPIs and Metrics Available

Funding Amount Direct Funding Amount
Indirect Funding Amount

Key Areas Covered

  • Federal and Non-Federal Funding Allocation
  • Funding Allocation by Year
  • Funding Amounts by
    • Award Purpose
    • Projects
    • Departments
    • Customer Accounts

Key Advantages and Benefits of using Orbit for Oracle Fusion Cloud Reporting and Analytics

Seamless Data Extraction

Extract data from Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications into your existing data warehouse or modern cloud data warehouses like Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW), Amazon AWS Redshift, Snowflake, and more. Perform full and incremental data extracts with ease.

Pre-built Data Models

Leverage pre-built data models tailored for various subject areas. These models are easily extendable and can incorporate data from other applications, providing a robust foundation for your analytics needs.

Advanced Analytics and Visualizations

Utilize cutting-edge analytics with modern visualizations that cover all major subject areas of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications. Gain actionable insights through intuitive and interactive dashboards.

AI-powered Insights

Harness the power of AI to quickly derive valuable insights from your data models. Make informed decisions faster and more accurately.

Enhanced Security

Use the same data security setups as Oracle Cloud ERP. As an Oracle Gold Partner, Orbit leverages the data dictionary in Oracle. The entire process of user authentication, data governance, and data security is intuitive with Orbit Analytics. Ensure that your sensitive information is protected with the same robust security measures as Oracle Cloud ERP.

Orbit Quicklets

Get targeted information at your fingertips with Orbit Quicklets for Oracle Fusion Applications. Orbit Quicklets provide you with the specific pieces of information you need with just a click, streamlining your access to critical data.

Real-Time Reporting and Analytics from Oracle ERP and 200+ Other Data Sources

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